Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finding a Schedule

We have an interesting dilemma this year.
Somehow, despite the fact that we are schooling at home, we don't have enough time!
Wait, what was that?
That's always the case.
Well, it's worse this year!
We joined some homeschooling groups in the area--mainly just socially. So, every other Tuesday afternoon is Girls' Group and every other Thursday afternoon is Boys' Group. They don't actually fall in the same week, so we at least have only one each week.
And, #1 has been assigned to co-teach in the Tiny Tigers class at Taekwondo. Which is Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:30. This was the opportunity 4 was waiting for, as now he's enrolled in that class and gets his own Taekwondo.
We usually do school in the mornings. So, now twice a week, we can't. And, one of those days, we also can't in the afternoon.
Toss in the older 3 kids having Taekwondo 3 afternoons a week (and we DROPPED something, to ease the load! It would've been 5 days a week!) and piano 2 afternoons a week, and the fact that my hubby and I take a lunch date once a week (which varies based on meeting schedules at work), and you can see that I am in a bit of a bind...
So. This week being the first of this mess, I drafted a schedule.
And I SO HOPE it works!
And I want to chronicle it here, because I am sure someday I will wonder how I did it (or thought I could do it, as the case may be).

Scheduling Notes:

  • "Around the Block" is, quite literally, that we ride our bikes and/or walk around the block. It gets us outside, burning off some excess energy, before we start actual school. It makes a big difference in the mood of our mornings. And, it's an incentive to get chores done quickly. :)
  • Still trying to figure out how to get Math in 4 times a week. That's my goal, and I am sticking to it. But it's not as easy with only 3 mornings. (We were doing the same schedule Mon-Thurs, and Friday was a day to change things up. Now EVERY DAY seems to change things up!) 
  • It's not going to be easy to get all my kids done with math in 45 minutes. Some kids really drag things out. 
  • Speaking of dragging things out, the thought of a meal only lasting 30 minutes is almost incomprehensible. This will take a lot of drill-sergeant-like behavior from Mom and Dad for awhile. And the chores? Yeah, we're not going there. Yet...
  • Block 2 subjects will each occur once per week--based on which day is lunch date day. (In the case of today, it was lunch date. So, Mom's planning day. The kids did math, and I am posting to the blog.) I am a little saddened by this. I liked having History and Science twice a week. Now we have to squeeze more in each time. I need to find a way to do this without losing their attention.
  • This doesn't include the semi-regular Activity Days (I think every other Tuesday?).
  • You're not mistaken. No scouts on the list. That happens Wednesdays, while 2 is in TKD marathon.
  • I haven't yet figured out how to do my visiting teaching, grocery shopping, meal prep, kids' doctor and orthodontist appointments and all the other obligations in this schedule. I see that as a pretty major flaw. This schedule is obviously not set in stone.
  • I am hoping I can get some exercise--my goal is to get on the treadmill a couple of nights a week. 
  • I try to get up around 6 to read scriptures before the kids get up. This doesn't always happen. (Especially when I don't get on the treadmill until 10 pm the night before!)
  • At least once a week, my husband has to be to work by 7:30. (The norm is that he leaves just after 8 am.) The kids and I decided we want to see him every morning, even the early ones. To make the 6:45 am wake up call a little more palatable to them, I promised a hot breakfast those days. This is harder than I want to admit.
This is going to require SO MUCH more discipline than we've exercised in the past.
Wish us luck!